Viewing the organization summary

Who can do this task? System Administrators

The Organization Summary page shows a list of available organizations in the system.

To view the organization summary:

  1. On the Home Page, click Manage Organizations. The Organization Summary page appears:

  1. Click the page number links in lower left corner of the screen to view additional pages of the summary, ten items at a time.

Organization Summary table headings:

Note: For information about sorting the Organization Summary by Name, City, or State, see Sorting the organization summary.


The organization alias defined for the organization. The alias is a short name associated with an organization (e.g., "PHD1" for Public Health District 1), which is used when any health messages are sent or when any news items are posted by the organization . If you click an alias name (e.g., PHD1), the Organization Details screen appears for the selected organization.


The complete organization name. If the name is longer than the column width, it will wrap onto a second line.


The city where the organization is located.


The state where the organization is located.