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Message ID:   1593      Public Message
Subject:   Meningitis Outbreak in Oregon
Sent By:   PHD5 Date Sent:   12/15/2017 9:16:17 AM
Priority:   Advisory Status:   Sent (Delivered)
PHIN Specific Data:
Severity:   Moderate Delivery Time:   15 Minutes
PHIN Status:   Actual Message Type:   Alert
Sensitivity:   Non Sensitive Acknowledgement:   No
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Message Text:
Healthcare providers evaluating college students for unexplained high fever, headache, stiff neck, or rash, are asked to consider meningococcal disease in the differential diagnosis, particularly in students who attend or are close contacts of those who attend Oregon State University (OSU), Corvallis campus, which is experiencing a serogroup B meningococcal disease outbreak. These students likely began dispersing to their home states prior to the December 9th start of winter break. Meningococcal disease is of urgent public health importance. Suspected meningococcal disease is reportable within one working day to South Central Public Health District. Public health epidemiologists will contact the provider and determine when to initiate a contact investigation to identify those for whom prophylaxis is recommended. Laboratories are requested to send Neisseria meningitidis isolates to the Idaho Bureau of Laboratories for serogrouping. All Oregon State University (OSU) undergraduate students =25 years of age are recommended to receive a series of serogroup B meningococcal (Men B) vaccine. Idaho healthcare providers are asked to consider vaccination of undergraduate OSU students as urgent. Idaho providers of vaccines for children were notified about this outbreak last month by the Idaho Immunization Program. When vaccinating students, knowing the brand of the first dose of Men B vaccine is critical. Bexsero® is a two-dose series, with the second dose given 30 days after the first; Trumenba® requires three doses at times zero, one month, and six months. (The “two-dose regimen” for Trumenba® is NOT recommended for outbreak response.) Brands are not interchangeable. Please ensure that patients being vaccinated with Men B vaccine are fully aware of the importance of knowing the brand name and dates for follow-up doses. Please enter Men B vaccine administration into IRIS for patients who have not opted out. Contact: South Central Public Health District at 208-737-5971. For further information: Meningococcal Disease: Serogroup B Meningococcal Vaccine: IRIS: Idaho Bureau of Laboratories: