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Message ID:   1874      Public Message
Subject:   Pharmacy Survey
Sent By:   PHD7 Date Sent:   9/29/2020 8:51:59 AM
Priority:   Advisory Status:   Sent (Delivered)
PHIN Specific Data:
Severity:   Moderate Delivery Time:   15 Minutes
PHIN Status:   Actual Message Type:   Alert
Sensitivity:   Non Sensitive Acknowledgement:   No
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Message Text:

September 29, 2020

Dear Pharmacy Partners,

Eastern Idaho Public Health is asking for your assistance in collecting local pharmaceutical data.  This is part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) requirement regarding the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS).  During a public health emergency, local caches of medication would be used prior to receiving requested SNS medication being shipped to Idaho by the CDC.

We are asking your assistance in collecting data regarding milligrams and pills on hand of Oseltamivir (Tamiflu©) and Zanamivir (Relenza©), which could be prescribed in the event of a public health emergency.  The information collected will only be shared with the CDC through our State partners in our contract reporting process.

Please indicate below your pharmacy’s milligrams and pills on hand of Oseltamivir (Tamiflu©) and Zanamivir (Relenza©) that is available for prescription.  Fax this completed form to Eastern Idaho Public Health at 208-533-3143.  If possible, please complete and fax this form no later than 3:00 pm on September 29, 2020.

I appreciate and thank you for your time and support in this matter and for partnering with us to ensure our local citizens and communities needs are met in the event of a public health emergency.  If you have questions regarding the Public Health Preparedness Program or this medication supply inventory, please contact Mike Taylor by phone at
(208) 533-3142, or by email at


Geri L. Rackow, Director

Pharmacy Contact Information

Pharmacy Name and Address:
Contact Name:                                     Phone Number: 

Pharmaceutical Data
Medication Milligrams and Pills On Hand:  Oseltamivir                                                       Zanamivir